YA studio, Yasmin Peled & Arye Morad is a professional photography studio, specializing in food photography with 3 decades of experience. Shooting for the most prominent Israeli brands and for European companies.
We are dedicated for an exquisite outcome as well as for our client.
Photography is magic that makes the viewer soar to different places. We believe this with all our hearts.YA, until we can soar together.

Yasmin Peled was born in the Jezreel Valley, in Beit Shearim (a moshav), not far from Nazareth. Graduate of the Department of Photography at Wizo Design College. A passionate photographer, dedicated, pedant, creative, most ingenues and patient even with the toughest client…

Arye Morad was born near TLV, spend most of his time sailing sail bouts on the Mediterranean Sea holding an old crappy Nikon camera in his hand. Graduate of the Department of Photography at Wizo Design College. Enjoying having the best contemporary photography equipment of our time…